What is a legacy? What is legendary?
Where do women's voices go after they speak, and who can carry them?
Paying homage to the naked, the horizontal, the vulnerable...
Feminist intergenerational assemblages are not methodologies of receiving but of re-telling and transforming life experiences passed down throughout histories. Gift Science Archive envisions intergenerational art as RESILIENCE of fragmented visions: conversations that turn into colliding chronologies, juxtaposed by fierce political (in)correctness. Passing down responsibilities and fulfilling quasi-biographical DREAMS is to us almost an obscured prophecy, weighed down by hxstorical voices but also capable of floating through MONUMENTS to their struggle. Our queered archive here listens to gayness, intersectionality, rioting, resistance and practices of feeling, altogether shape-shifting through time and bodies in a continuum of collective biographies. We ask:
IS THIS GOOD FOR ANUS? For mothers? For the offspring of witches past? – AC.
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Written by Amalia Calderón, Gift Science Archive Artistic Researcher, on occasion of the for the Rijksakademie 150-year anniversary publication (December 2020).
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Archiving tips sent to SMW by Adrian Piper via email in 2012 in response to photographs of SMW’s studio shared with Piper.
“(We had) To put AP’s tips to the test.” – SMW.
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
“Above: Carolee had a knot in her hair. We were in her hotel room in Frankfurt where we met for her retrospective in 2017. She asked me if I could help to comb her hair and untangle the knot, and she insisted that Robin photograph it as a performance. Below: In 2000 in the first house that Robin and I shared together in Amsterdam, which was 19 square meters, I was on the phone arranging a purchase from Ronald Feldman Gallery of ‘Handle with Care,’ a work by Hannah Wilke. As Robin often does, he documented the action as a work.” – SMW.
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Lino-block produced (and signed on the back) by Senga Nengudi in 1991, which gifted to SMW around 2011 and printed at the Rijksakademie print lab during SMW’s guest residency in 2021.
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“Performalist. It’s funny when your image becomes part of your work. Hannah did it because she was beautiful and that was troublesome for feminists, they thought it was easy, but it wasn’t. I’ve been objectified in different ways – my face not being good enough, always commenting on my weight (I think the unusual bits of me are part of what make me queer). Who makes them entitled to someone else’s physicality? Carolee always told me to go where the difficulty is, and that is (my) physicality. So, I made it central because people thought it was important somehow to draw my attention to. Sometimes I wish I could have been more handsome but then that was all I would’ve been known as. I can bridge the more and less beautiful.” – SMW.
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“Imagine someone in the 15th century thinking: ‘I'm gonna make a tapestry about unicorns.’ Circa 93/94 when I was an intern at the cloisters collection (NY). A responsibility to be gentle to other people – like men are not with sex.” –SMW.
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Edition of 60 performalist self-portraits self-shot with a timer by the artist and archivally stored with floral silk textile.
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First Heart Drawing, which was shown in the ‘Double Trouble’ exhibition with Schneemann at Cokkie Snoei Gallery in 2001 – “Cy Twombly wouldn’t show in a space like that.” (Schneemann)
“Jim Dine was, according to Schneemann, the first male to do a Happening who was making himself vulnerable.” – SMW.
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Photographer: Charlott Markus
SMW solo exhibition at mistral, Amsterdam (2021). The exhibition opens up the process of the ‘monumental’ 18-month collaborative performance Gift Science Archive (GSA) to the public for haptic engagements with the artist’s working and archiving processes. Visitors are invited to peruse the GSA archive database and to pull materials from the collection for a closer look and, over a cup, for a story. The ‘research experience’ is thus set into relational motion, by conversations – a central part of Murray-Wassink’s practice. Co-curated by Megan Hoetger (If I Can’t Dance) together with Radna Rumping and Huib Haye van der Werf (mistral).
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
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“An aspect of the meta-archive, which includes a series of longer recorded conversations initiated by RR (with Sands, with Sands and Amalia Calderón and with Sands and Robin Wassink-Murray), which aimed to capture ideas about value, structure, and care for an artistic practice, as well as providing plenty of space for sharing references, gossip, and ‘information’ – one of Sands’ main materials. These seven hours of interviews – some in Dutch and some in English – are all in their unedited richness part of the meta-archive, both as audio recordings and transcriptions (translations and transcriptions by Martha Jager).” – RR.
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Listings connecting to the keyword “Intergenerational” (683)
Hannah Wilke
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Edition of 60 performalist self-portraits self-shot with a timer by the artist and archivally stored with floral silk textile.
Hannah Wilke
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Edition of 60 performalist self-portraits self-shot with a timer by the artist and archivally stored with floral silk textile.
Process image
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Photographer: Radna Rumping
Date: 27.08.20. Location: Rijksakademie, studio manege. Images taken before and after a recorded conversation with Sands and Amalia, featuring materials on the floor, Sands and Amalia holding a painting, and ‘denk aan parfum’ t-shirt at the door.
Documentation of…
Adrian Piper, Carolee…
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Photographer: Charlott Markus
SMW solo exhibition at mistral, Amsterdam (2021). The exhibition opens up the process of the ‘monumental’ 18-month collaborative performance Gift Science Archive (GSA) to the public for haptic engagements with the artist’s working and archiving processes. Visitors are invited to peruse the GSA archive database and to pull materials from the collection for a closer look and, over a cup, for a story. The ‘research experience’ is thus set into relational motion, by conversations – a central part of Murray-Wassink’s practice. Co-curated by Megan Hoetger (If I Can’t Dance) together with Radna Rumping and Huib Haye van der Werf (mistral).
Documentation of…
Adrian Piper, Carolee…
Image of Studio object
Photographer: Charlott Markus
SMW solo exhibition at mistral, Amsterdam (2021). The exhibition opens up the process of the ‘monumental’ 18-month collaborative performance Gift Science Archive (GSA) to the public for haptic engagements with the artist’s working and archiving processes. Visitors are invited to peruse the GSA archive database and to pull materials from the collection for a closer look and, over a cup, for a story. The ‘research experience’ is thus set into relational motion, by conversations – a central part of Murray-Wassink’s practice. Co-curated by Megan Hoetger (If I Can’t Dance) together with Radna Rumping and Huib Haye van der Werf (mistral).
Documentation of…
Adrian Piper, Carolee…
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Photographer: Charlott Markus
SMW solo exhibition at mistral, Amsterdam (2021). The exhibition opens up the process of the ‘monumental’ 18-month collaborative performance Gift Science Archive (GSA) to the public for haptic engagements with the artist’s working and archiving processes. Visitors are invited to peruse the GSA archive database and to pull materials from the collection for a closer look and, over a cup, for a story. The ‘research experience’ is thus set into relational motion, by conversations – a central part of Murray-Wassink’s practice. Co-curated by Megan Hoetger (If I Can’t Dance) together with Radna Rumping and Huib Haye van der Werf (mistral).
Documentation of…
Adrian Piper, Carolee…
Image of Studio object
Photographer: Charlott Markus
SMW solo exhibition at mistral, Amsterdam (2021). The exhibition opens up the process of the ‘monumental’ 18-month collaborative performance Gift Science Archive (GSA) to the public for haptic engagements with the artist’s working and archiving processes. Visitors are invited to peruse the GSA archive database and to pull materials from the collection for a closer look and, over a cup, for a story. The ‘research experience’ is thus set into relational motion, by conversations – a central part of Murray-Wassink’s practice. Co-curated by Megan Hoetger (If I Can’t Dance) together with Radna Rumping and Huib Haye van der Werf (mistral).
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Bag from Agnes B. (When SMW trying to business-like in presentation).
“Mis-referencing, referencing and creating networks. I had some success in galleries in the beginning, and I hated it”. Abramović gallery. The greedy gallery floor. – SMW.
Mrs. Murray
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Photo not taken by SMW (taken from mother’s best friend’s apartment window).
...when the twin towers were still there…
Ana Mendieta, Carl Andre
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“The bastard husband of Ana Mendieta. Writing my name over patriarchy. You're just flesh and bone like us. Mortal like us. More or less.” – SMW. “Covered in corn oil that never truly dries. Why people thought he was such an important artist. Oh, that asshole again.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
Image of Studio object
The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
Image of Studio object
The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
Image of Studio object
The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
Image of Studio object
The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.