Filename: conversation w_ sands and robin by radna 24 July 2020 (unedited) .WAV
Date: July 24, 2020
Duration: 02:12:07
Speakers: Robin Wassink-Murray, Radna Rumping, Sands Murray-Wassink
Location: The home of Sands and Robin, Swammerdamstraat, Amsterdam
Transcription date: 16/1/2021
Transcribed by: Martha Jager
RR: Where do we start? Well, I do have a start, actually. I would find it interesting to hear how Robin is an actual part of Sands’ work. For example, sometimes you are more present in the background with what you do...
RWM: Yeah, that’s mainly what we're talking about, I think. And of course I do a lot for him. I help him when he has to set things up... That’s a little less now, isn’t it? Now that he has four colleagues he works closely with, of which you are one. That is something different, because that whole show in London, eventually... It used to be always... I actually pretty much set up everything. The technical things when he does a presentation or something, I set those up. That is now no longer necessary, because there are now professional people, thanks to If I Can't Dance [ I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution] but that is my biggest influence. Except... But you might better voice that – how I influence you? That of course has to do with what we talk about every day.
Sands Murray-Wassink: Yes how do I always phrase that... We are a team. That's how I always say it: we've been together since November 16, 1996. And yes, I have always seen you as very influential because you have taught me a lot about people and also how to look at art and my own work. Because you... How do you say that? Feet or legs on the ground? You keep my feet on the ground.
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A second painting also on verso.
Inventorying session + invited archivist (IA) meeting – 15.09.20. “AC’s exact birthdate is the day Robin and I met. It’s all about these convergences.” – SWM. “RWM is my main audience and collaborator.” – SMW.
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Created when – as part of the residency process – SMW attempted to become a distribution business; materials a mixture of personal and private, including (to give a sense) – a Metropolis M advertisement that SMW designed for the Ateliers open studios – business plan spreadsheets – a love letter to SMW’s husband Robin.
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Photographer: Radna Rumping
Date: 24.07.20. Location: house Sands and Robin, Swammerdamstraat 4E, Amsterdam. Images taken right after a recorded conversation with Sands and Robin, featuring cat Duman, Robin and Sands on the couch, and self-portrait in mirror of Radna.
“Living room of SMW and RWM, where the triangle is present again: Carolee, Adrian, Hannah.” – RR.
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“There’s something conceptual about it as well. I like that.” – SMW.
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Moen Island, Denmark at Frederikke Hansen’s former house.
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Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
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Created for ‘The dear…’ series initiated by Martha Jager in Spring 2020.
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
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Digital image taken from documentation of performance available on Vimeo at: The performance an homage to Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, as well as Carolee Schneemann, together with Robin Wassink-Murray. The title taken from video documentation of ‘Town Bloody Hall’ (1979) with Jill Johnston and others. Location: Schlachthaus Theatre (Bern, Switzerland). Colour; sound; 48:10 (unedited).
“Robin and I were in the hotel room when we told Carolee the title of the performance, and she said wryly ‘no one will ever get that.’” – SMW.
Listings connecting to the keyword “Robin” (572)
Documentation of…
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Closing virtual tour of the exhibition ‘In Good Company (Horsepower): Materials from the Gift Science Archive, 1993-present’, which was lead by the artist and If I Can’t Dance curator Megan Hoetger. 21 May 2021, 17.00-18.30hr. mistral, Amsterdam, corner Groenhoedenveem – Veemkade (Pakhuis Wilhelmina).
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
Thought works
Gai Pied drawings
A.A. Bronson, Albert van…
c. 2015
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The pages are yellowed and cracked with age. Dutch Curator Erik Hagoort gave SMW a few huge boxes of these French gay liberation magazines from the 80s, and SMW intuitively started painting on them. There are many more than those listed in the archive.
“I had to throw away a lot of these, there were also Dutch gay liberation magazines in the boxes Erik Hagoort gave me, called ‘De Verkeerde Krant’ or so, (‘van de verkeerde kant’ was a Dutch saying for a queer person) but due to storage I could not keep everything as a resource to use. There are hundreds of these painted drawings, and they get quite a good response. Paul Thek = newspaper paintings, Karen Finley = same as Paul Thek, Erik Hagoort is the partner of Dutch artist Albert van Westing and AA Bronson showed a fondness for the drawings.” – SMW.
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Moen Island, Denmark at Frederikke Hansen’s former house.
Image of Studio object
Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Moen Island, Denmark at Frederikke Hansen’s former house.
“… urinating is cleaner and easier, and it seemed a way to give back to the soil and the earth. Smoking in those images maybe even felt like a city gesture, and I was aware that I was a metropolitan person in a natural setting – it was all very intuitive and accidental as most of my work is…” – SMW.
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Moen Island, Denmark at Frederikke Hansen’s former house.
Elke Silvia Krystufek
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Sands and Robin’s old flat (Halmaheirastraat studio, Amsterdam).
9 april 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “Okay, here are some of the most important works I’ve ever made: ‘Elke & Sands: Equalities, Equivalences’ from 2002 in a series of images taken by Robin in an old flat of ours in my studio there. It’s a wonder these ever were taken and I still love them.” – SMW.
Elke Silvia Krystufek
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Sands and Robin’s old flat (Halmaheirastraat studio, Amsterdam).
9 april 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “Okay, here are some of the most important works I’ve ever made: ‘Elke & Sands: Equalities, Equivalences’ from 2002 in a series of images taken by Robin in an old flat of ours in my studio there. It’s a wonder these ever were taken and I still love them.” – SMW.
Peter Brandt
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Peter Brandt’s Apartment Copenhagen, Denmark (21 August 2009). Images by: Double Performalist Self Portraits together with Robin Wassink-Murray.
8 april 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “‘Tryout Masculinity Venus Envy Shots’ by me and in Copenhagen taken by Robin on this same trip to Denmark in 2009. Robin took these in Peter’s studio in his apartment. I’ve broken my friendship with Peter for various reasons which we can talk about. But these pictures are the only pix I have with another male body artist of this nature.” – SMW. ‘VENUS-MARS-ADONIS-VENUS’ – MH.
Peter Brandt
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Photographer: Robin Wassink-Murray
Location: Peter Brandt’s Apartment Copenhagen, Denmark (21 August 2009). Images by: Double Performalist Self Portraits together with Robin Wassink-Murray.
8 april 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “‘Tryout Masculinity Venus Envy Shots’ by me and in Copenhagen taken by Robin on this same trip to Denmark in 2009. Robin took these in Peter’s studio in his apartment. I’ve broken my friendship with Peter for various reasons which we can talk about. But these pictures are the only pix I have with another male body artist of this nature.” – SMW.
Hannah Wilke
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Edition of 60 performalist self-portraits self-shot with a timer by the artist and archivally stored with floral silk textile.
Hannah Wilke
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Edition of 60 performalist self-portraits self-shot with a timer by the artist and archivally stored with floral silk textile.
Working 2010s
Eva Hesse, Marlene Dumas
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