7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel's work “Intimacy - Autonomy” from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will. – SMW.
Listings connecting to the grouping of work “Intimacy-Autonomy” (7)
Joan Semmel
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
Joan Semmel
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
Joan Semmel
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
Joan Semmel
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
Carrie Mae Weems, Joan…
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
Joan Semmel
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.
Joan Semmel, Leigh Ledare
Image of Studio object
Location: Sands and Robin’s apartment (Swammerdamstraat). Photographer: self-shot. Shown in an ‘off Pride’ festival in Zürich, Switzerland in 2009.
From 27. April 2020 (WeTransfer notes): “7 images including the cat (Betsie) on the bed and Robin and my body are an homage series to Joan Semmel’s work ‘Intimacy-Autonomy’ from 1974. She has never seen them (Joan) and probably never will.” – SMW. From 24. March 2020 (in email exchange): “here are the images too (just found them) which were printed fairly large and hung in sequence… i think there was only one image of our former cat Betsie in the sun… … then the Eva Hesse book on the floor and then the three nude images of us in the sun on the bed… … .i am going to start making domestic images again especially now that we are stuck inside! (but with sun, thank goddess!); https://artschaft.com/2018/09/... THIS IS THE JOAN SEMMEL PAINTING IMAGE FROM MY BIRTH YEAR ‘INTIMACY/AUTONOMY’ WHICH I ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDORE AND WHICH WE ARE REFERRING TO IN THESE IMAGES :)” – SMW.