Working 2000

I find them quite irritating for what they are, but I needed to make a statement. I felt like I was drowning, and I needed to say something. I see almost a “confused intellect” – I don ’t see them as particularly aesthetic, but about working out my process... almost 20 years of working out... – SMW paraphrased by MH.

Listings connecting to the grouping of work “Working 2000” (275)

Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01433-2000-PsW2000-ReligionAndHoliness
  • Title
  • Religion and Holiness
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“Oh. so I’m being philosophical. or trying to be philosophical.” – SMW.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01434-2000-PsW2000-(Absolve)MidAtlantic
  • Title
  • (Absolve) Mid-Atlantic
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01435-2000-PsW2000-HardLifeIndeed(IMeanIt)
  • Title
  • Hard Life Indeed (I Mean It)
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01246-c2000-PsW2000-SJHMW
  • Title
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“Sands’ initials (still fooling around with the name thing).” – MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01260-2000-`PsW2000-MyHumblePlace
  • Title
  • My Humble Place
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01236-c2000-PsW2000-AroundMyNeck
  • Title
  • Around My Neck
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“I remember making this one: I had a tutor at the Ateliers (Chris Dercon) who was always double with me: friendly to my face, but (as it later turned out) was requesting I be asked to leave for being ‘too messy’. Dercon always wore colorful scarves during our studio visits.” – SMW.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01247-c2000-PsW2000-CowboysStandingAtTheBar
  • Title
  • Cowboys Standing at the Bar
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

Rijksakademie Internal Open Studios – 07.09.20. “… De Ateliers as a boys club. I was gay but I had a penis so it didn’t matter. I lost contact with Carolee for a year, and I asked myself, what happened? All my feminist work was kind of tossed by them.” – SMW. “I was laughed away because I was a woman. The only way to survive is to become one of the boys […]. Feminist as a word, but a dirty word.” – Anon.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01237-c2000-PsW2000-APieceOfGayPortraiture
  • Title
  • A Piece of Gay Portraiture
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“This is a weird one because it’s about selling a work to the Stedelijk — ‘I’m Proud of Myself’, a piece of gay portraiture (such a strange phrase — what is gay portraiture?)” – SMW paraphrased by MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01248-c2000-PsW2000-DreamWorld
  • Title
  • Dream World
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

SMW & AC inventorying session – 03.09.20. “Dream a little dream of me is my Carolee song.” – SMW. SMW & AC inventorying session – 24.09.20. “I was distracted by the dream of…” – SMW. “The story?” – AC. “Sex.” – SMW.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01238-c2000-PsW2000-IsThisMyArt?
  • Title
  • Is this my art?
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“I was wanting to get seduced by the people working at the immigration office. Wanting to get seduced by anyone on the street. Wondering if I was seductive, seductive enough.” – SMW paraphrased by MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01249-c2000-PsW2000-PinkCongealed(OpenWound)
  • Title
  • Pink Congealed (Open Wound)
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“I guess I was thinking of the most visceral phrasing I could imagine. Carolee was always so good at speaking about the body in visceral terms, like putting it into literal words.” – SMW paraphrased by MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01239-2001-PsW2000-KathyWentrack
  • Title
  • Kathy Wentrack
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

Author of the Double Trouble catalog essay (2001).


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01251-2000-PsW2000-GoodWitch
  • Title
  • Good Witch
  • Dimensions
  • 75 x 104
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

Exceptional Working 2000 (‘Working 2000 XL’); pendent piece with ‘Me + My Lover’.

  • Reflection Notes

“A response to the story of Schneemann’s removal from Reutgers faculty because, it was said, ‘she was a witch’.” – SMW paraphrased by MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01240-c2000-PsW2000-MeaninglessExistentialism
  • Title
  • Meaningless Existentialism
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“I’m quite gay, aren’t I? (not ‘queer’ — that almost too cool). The work, to me, looks quite gay 1990s — a kind of ‘colourful abjection’. A quite nice combination I think. I used to call myself a professional existentialist. I thought it was quite logical, and didn’t understand why I wasn’t seeing it around more often.” – SMW paraphrased by MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01252-2000-PsW2000-Me+MyLover
  • Title
  • Me + My Lover
  • Dimensions
  • 75 x 104
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

Exceptional Working 2000 (‘Working 2000 XL’); pendent piece with ‘Good Witch’.

  • Reflection Notes

“Eyes windows to the soul // souls connected // the penises quite accurate in terms of scale.” – SMW.
