Listings connecting to the year “2000” (115)

Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01452-2000-PsW2000-LifeManagement(enz.,enz.,…
  • Title
  • Life Management (enz., enz., enz.)
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

List of all the things SMW has to do.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01451-2000-PsW2000-AmbitiousInGeneral
  • Title
  • Ambitious In General
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01450-2000-PsW2000-GrandmaDee
  • Title
  • Grandma Dee
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

Portrait of SMW’s favourite grandmother (paternal side) drawn from memory after her death. “I remember it being a very very awkward drawing, and it is! but I like it..” – SMW.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01449-2000-PsW2000-HomosexualAmericanInAmste…
  • Title
  • Homosexual American in Amsterdam
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

An anecdote about another friend from De Ateliers, this one delivered over drink after the opening of group exhibition including SMW's work at the Vienna Secession.

  • Reflection Notes

Meeting – 12.04.20. “At times we are much more generous with other genders. Are we expecting more from the category we identify with? We need to be willing to be more generous. I was walking through a tunnel in Paris having this conversation. [My] friend was much more critical of any whiff of homo-nationalism.” – MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01448-2000-PsW2000-MyHeterosexualFriend
  • Title
  • My Heterosexual Friend
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Technical Notes

Drawing of an (early) installation at De Ateliers accompanied by an anecdote about the experience of sharing their work.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01447-2000-PsW2000-TightRope
  • Title
  • Tight Rope
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01446-2000-PsW2000-ItsImportant
  • Title
  • It's important
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • pP
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

Rijksakademie Internal Open Studios – 07.09.20. “Is it important for you to keep everything?” – Anon. “I cannot destroy things, because when I destroy things, I tend to remake them.” – SMW.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01445-2000-PsW2000-Document
  • Title
  • Document
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01439-2000-TwHd-Untitled(HeartDrawing)
  • Title
  • Untitled (Heart Drawing)
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01435-2000-PsW2000-HardLifeIndeed(IMeanIt)
  • Title
  • Hard Life Indeed (I Mean It)
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01434-2000-PsW2000-(Absolve)MidAtlantic
  • Title
  • (Absolve) Mid-Atlantic
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker and pen on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01433-2000-PsW2000-ReligionAndHoliness
  • Title
  • Religion and Holiness
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“Oh. so I’m being philosophical. or trying to be philosophical.” – SMW.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01432-c2000-PsW2000-GossamerThread
  • Title
  • Gossamer Thread
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“A collage of text that may or may not fit together.” – SMW paraphrased by MH.


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01431-2000-PsW2000-AGayContinuum?
  • Title
  • A Gay Continuum?
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical


Image of Studio object

  • Catalog No.
  • 01430-2000-PsW2000-AMarketingImpulse
  • Title
  • A Marketing Impulse
  • Dimensions
  • 42 x 59
  • Materials
  • Poster marker on paper
  • Object Location
  • Physical

  • Reflection Notes

“Body as material. Thought as material. Why does something have to be physical?” – SMW paraphrased by MH.
